2010年3月27日 星期六

The Unhealthy Diet of Young Taiwanese People

The diet of the average young Taiwanese people is unhealthy. To begin with, Western fast food contains very few vegetables and fruits. On the contrary, there is too much oil, sugar, salt, meat, beans, fish, and nuts in Western fast food. For example, fast food in McDonald's and KFC like fried chicken, chicken nugget, and French fries has too much salt and oil. Eating these fast food too frequently would cause burden to our kidney, and make our body circulate worse. In addition, if young Taiwanese people eat them in the long-term, it is easy not only to cause imbalanced nutrition and chronic disease, like hypertension and heart diseases, but it would also make them get fat and increase chances of getting colon cancer. Moreover, these fast foods would weaken our body immunity, because insufficient fruits and vegetables would not only cause constipation, but also make our body not able to promote the metabolism of cholesterol and result in cardiovascular diseases. It seems foreign fast food brings much convenience to us, but relatively, eating too much Western fast food makes the diet of the average young Taiwanese people unhealthy.

